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Estimating population abundance for replicated counts data is a computationally intensive problem. N-mixture models are used …

Functional data can come from many different areas of study. Some of the most common examples come from finance (for example stock …

Neural Networks are an immensely useful class of machine learning model, with countless applications. Today we are going to analyze a …

Rcpp is an R library allowing for easy integration of C++ code in your R workflow. It allows you to create optimized functions for when …

Bootstrapping is a statistical technique for analyzing the distributional properties of sample data (such as variability and bias). It …

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Parker, M.R.P., Li, Y., Elliott, L.T., Ma, J. and Cowen, L.L.E. (2021), Under-reporting of COVID-19 in the Northern Health Authority …

Parker, M.R.P., Pattison, V. & Cowen, L.L.E. (2020). Estimating population abundance using counts from an auxiliary population. …

Parker, M. R. P. (2020). N-mixture models with auxiliary populations and for large population abundances [Thesis].

Parker, M. R. P., & Cowen, L. L. E. (2019). Estimating population abundance using auxiliary population counts. Proceedings of the …